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Avery Standard System 1000 Hand Tool - 1x Per Pack

Product Code: AV-TOOL-ST-1000 1 IN STOCK 

Images are for illustration purpose only

€46.95 Excl. VAT@23%

Quantity Discounts
QTY 1+
Price €46.95
  • The Swiftach System 1000® is a revolutionary hand held tagging tool that allows you to tag 1,000 pieces of clothing without stopping to reload. This system accepts reels containing 1,000 fasteners, which is up to twenty times more than standard attaching tools that use clips, saving you time by making tag attaching more efficient. The System 1000® tagging gun features a unique mechanism that helps prevent gun jams in order to maximize productivity. It’s both fast and worry-free. System 1000® fasteners have large paddle to prevent ticket switching and have no waste strip to discard of when the roll has been used up.

    loading Type- Reel.
    1x Per Pack
  • 1 Per Pack