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Counter Pharmacy Bags Extra Large - 7" x 10" x 14" - 500x Per Pack

Product Code: BAG-PHAR-04 5 IN STOCK 

Images are for illustration purpose only

€36.50 Excl. VAT@23%

Quantity Discounts
QTY 1+ 5+
Price €36.50 €34.50
  • Dimensions - 7" Width x 10" Base x 14" Height.
  • These elegant pharmacy bags are available in a range of sizes to meet the demands of todays busy pharmacy. Designed to dispense medicines, our pharmacy bags feature a clean and simple design in reassuring blue, green and white colours

    Counter or prescription bags (available in 4 sizes) are usually found lying flat in a stack on/ under a chemists counter, perfect for popping tablets or cough bottle into or for impulse buys at the counter.

    Dimensions - 7" Width x 10" Base x 14" Height.
  • 500x Per Pack